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12 Things Gaming Will Teach You That College Won’t

Who says you'll learn everything in class? When you head back to campus this semester, pop into Best Buy for all your gaming needs!

1. Life has consequences.

2. If you keep losing, it may be time to upgrade your artillery with a few new tricks.

3. Collecting coins is actually important.

4. Side missions can be more fun than the main campaign.

5. There will probably always be someone who is better at this than you, so get used to it.

But just because you're not the best doesn't mean that you're not any good!

6. Occasionally, done is better than perfect, which is preferred over late.

7. Being good at an obscure instrument can open some serious doors.

8. Everyone finishes levels at their own pace.

9. Some things will fit into place perfectly, and others... won't.

10. When you're losing, sometimes it's best to take a step back and just rest until your health bounces back.

11. Talking to strangers is good.

12. And most importantly, the princess is almost always in another castle.