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13 Ways To Make It Through The 3 P.M. Slump

The dreaded 3:00. We all know how deadly the afternoon slump is. Sure, you could try some of these methods. But the best way to make it through? Berocca Boost!

1. Attempt to eat your way through it.

2. Do a few stretches at your desk.

3. Or some exercises, if you can find the energy.

4. Try to motivate yourself to take a walk outside.

5. Have a coffee.

6. Pump up the jams and dance it out.

7. Try to take a very stealthy nap.

8. Or painstakingly organize your entire inbox.

9. Email your friends about how tired you are.

10. Call someone for a random chat.

11. Gossip with a co-worker.

12. Try working at a standing desk.

13. Or...fake it till you make it (home and into bed).

When the 3 p.m. slump hits, it hits hard.

That's why you've got to fight back just as hard. Berocca Boost with guarana gives you that little kick you need to make it through the day.