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Tell Us The First Thing You Ate After Pesach And We'll Tell You How Old You Were When Your Mother First Said She Was Disappointed In You.

It's been eight days and you're dying to eat something other than gastrointestinal-grenade-grade matzah or coconut macaroons from a can you're pretty sure came to America with your grandparents. So, It's nightfall and while the rest of your family is swapping the dishes, you're hit with craving for some luscious, luxurious leaven. So, what'll it be?

benziggyf 7 years ago

Five Other Times When "Bad" People Where On The Cover Of Famous Magazines

Rollingstone Magazine caused controversy this week by having accused Boston bomber Dzokar Tsarnev on their cover. Many have threatened to boycott the magazine for glorifying the suspected terrorist. However, magazines having killers on their cover is hardly a new phenomenon.

benziggyf 10 years ago

Five Yiddish Curses For Republican Jews

The inevitable conclusion when old school liberal Jews meet. Modern Republican Jews during Passover dinner

benziggyf 11 years ago