Kanye West Just Spoke About His Beef With Drake After That Wild Kim Kardashian Affair Rumour

    "Sending good energy and love to Drake and family and crew."

    In case you're not quite up to date on the latest internet dramas, allow me to briefly catch you up.

    Recently, a fan theory took off on Twitter that basically implied that Kim Kardashian and Drake are or were having an affair.

    You can read about the drama and evidence in full here, but the general gist is Drake was mad with Kanye for siding with his rival Pusha-T and so, as revenge, began to subtly hint at an alleged affair with Kim.

    The theory made some connections between Drake and Kim's Instagram captions — both of which were variations of "I'm shy" — but the real kicker was a lyric from a recent Drake song that detailed him creeping down the block and making a right, which are actual directions that take you from Drake's house to Kimye's.

    However, with the tweet thread gaining a lot of traction online, Kim soon spoke up and denied the whole thing.

    Drake has remained silent on the matter, but Kanye West just jumped on Twitter to add his two cents by acknowledging his beef with Drake.

    Sending good energy and love to Drake and family and crew💜💜💜 I haven’t seen the show in person but the images look incredible online I understand where the confusion started https://t.co/oxSEEbNB1g

    It started with an apology.

    Let me start by apologizing for stepping on your release date in the first place … We were building a bond and working on music together including squashing the issues with Cudi at our office.

    Before Kanye gave an explanation for his actions.

    When I put the dates up I was a bit ramped up doing 25 tweets a day TMZ happened shortly after … I have to hop on the plane now… will type more when I land

    Kanye then denied having told Pusha-T about Drake's son.

    I did not have any conversations about your child with Pusha. I don’t play with the idea of people’s children after I spoke to Wiz a few years earlier.

    Before saying he has love and admiration for them both.

    I understand Pusha’s issues as a man if someone mentions your fiancé men go mask off. I’ve done the same myself at times. I love you and I love Pusha and we all have an admiration for each other’s craft.

    Kanye, who was writing the tweets from a plane that was ready to take off, finished by saying that he was going to attend Drake's concert to "give love and be inspired".

    This is all Jedi level. I will be coming to your show within the next seven days to give love and be inspired by the art you have created.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see if Kanye says anything else when his plane lands.