18 Behind-The-Scenes Facts About "Halloween", From Jamie Lee Curtis Herself

    "You will be so scared that you won’t know what to do."

    It might be hard to believe, but it's been 16 years since we last saw Jamie Lee Curtis in a Halloween movie. But as an incredible gift for horror fans — just in time for the Halloween festivities, no less — she's stepping back into the shoes of Laurie for another face-off with Michael Myers.

    1. The opening to Halloween was originally a different scene that paid homage to the first movie, but it was eventually cut.

    2. One of the reasons Jamie actually signed up to the movie was because of that scene.

    3. The most emotional scene for Jamie was shot on the last day of filming, where Laurie sits in her truck waiting for Michael Myers to be transferred from a psychiatric institute to prison. Since she was filming the scene on her own, the rest of the crew wore name tags that said "we are Laurie Strode" to show their support.

    4. But even though the whole scene took hours to shoot, only a couple of seconds were actually used in the end.

    5. Another thing that made her feel emotional was actually a super-small detail that you might not notice: While Laurie's house is basically a fortress prepared for the return of Michael Myers, there are also a lot of house plants, which Jamie thought was a lovely touch.

    6. It was also Jamie's idea to paint a garden on the metal grate that hides her gun collection in the movie, which she recommended after seeing the house plants.

    7. And the house plants/garden-themed grate painting was what inspired her to ask to keep the clicker that unveils her secret safe room as a memento.

    8. Looking back at the first movie, Jamie revealed that after the events of Halloween night in 1978, she thinks that Laurie actually went back to school the very next day.

    9. She also thinks that she wouldn't be doing her job properly if she didn't find it emotional stepping back into the shoes of Laurie Strode.

    10. Jamie saw a lot of the scariest moments in the movie for the first time when she went to watch it in the theatre.

    11. And she thinks that the movie is an A+ based on how terrifying it is.

    12. The cast and crew would usually spend time between takes on their phones, but Jamie revealed that if she was a director, she'd ban cellphones from the set.

    13. Jamie says there are a lot of homages and Easter eggs related to previous Halloween films in this latest instalment, but refuses to reveal any of them because it takes away the fun of finding them for yourself.

    14. Jamie never thought she'd do another Halloween movie after reviving the franchise with H20 in 1998.

    15. Although this latest movie marks the first time Jamie has stepped into the role as an executive producer, she thinks that she also deserved an executive producer credit for Halloween H20 because it was all her idea in the first place.

    16. Jamie revealed that she would actually like to direct a horror movie, and that after filming Halloween, she went home and wrote a screenplay of her own.

    17. Jamie didn't actually rule out the possibility of another Halloween sequel.

    18. And finally, what's one thing Jamie Lee Curtis thinks you should know before you go and see Halloween? "You will be so fucking scared that you won’t know what to do."

    But don't just take her word for it — take a look for yourself... Warning: not for the faint of heart!

    You can watch Halloween in cinemas from Oct. 19.