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What Things Happen In Every Gay Porno That Annoy The Fuck Out Of You?

"I'm straight, I've never done anal," says the person getting fucked in the ass five minutes later.

I don't want to be biased but gay porn is pretty great. You just can't deny facts.

But sometimes there are things that happen in those couple of minutes of heaven that are infuriating or just completely unrealistic.

So what things annoy you about gay porn? Is it the way they make anal sex look easy and like it's no big deal?

Maybe the sex positions they have lesbians do just aren't realistic at all.

Or it could be that whole "I'm straight I've never done anal before" storyline that always ends in said person getting pounded into the headboard five minutes later.

Whatever it is that gets on your nerves, let us know and your submission could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video!