Chris Pratt Kept Interrupting Katherine Schwarzenegger While She Tried To Bake On Instagram And Her Face Says It All

    "I'll preface this by saying that my husband will be playing golf in the background."

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    At this point during the coronavirus lockdown, you might be trying to figure out new ways to keep yourself occupied while staying indoors. Personally, I haven't moved from the couch in 38 days, but that's not important to this story.

    Anyway, it turns out that Katherine Schwarzenegger and Chris Pratt are no different, with the married couple currently trying very different pursuits in order to stay busy.

    Katherine has gone down the peaceful and civil route of baking, recently whipping up a quarantine staple that seemed to go down well in the Schwarzenegger-Pratt household.

    But as for Chris...well, he's started playing golf in the house, which doesn't quite fit with Katherine's peaceful hobby.

    Hopping on her Instagram story over the weekend, Katherine revealed she was going to be making some strawberry shortcakes and posting her progress as she went. However, her husband didn't quite get the memo and proceeded to do sports rather loudly in the background.

    As Katherine continued to try and explain the recipe, Chris started making a ruckus, much to his wife's delight.

    Katherine's face is literally everybody who is quarantined with somebody right now and needs some space!

    But no matter how many ~looks~ and steadying breaths Katherine took, Chris continued swinging that golf club, adding commentary for good measure.

    When Chris took a particularly big swing and Katherine responded, "I'm so proud of you," I could TELL she was fed up! Christopher Prattley, let her bake in peace!

    At this point, Katherine looks like she wants to dump the flour over Chris' head and, to be honest, I absolutely cannot blame her.

    Eventually, Christopher made an appearance on camera, stealing a piece of Katherine's banana bread while salivating at the thought of the upcoming shortcakes.

    And, finally, after playing golf in the house for what seemed like an eternity, Katherine revealed her husband had taken his hobby outside. The relief!

    Would also like to point out Chris' quarantine beard situation. I quite like to see it, can't lie.

    Anyway, Katherine was finally able to finish her strawberry shortcakes and they definitely looked worth the effort.

    All's well that ends well!

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