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Tell Us When A Book Detail Has Been Completely Ignored By A Screen Adaptation, And You Were Angry About It

One word: Peeves.

You know how it is when you hear a book you love is being turned into a film or TV show, and you start wondering: 'How will they deal with X, Y, or Z?' Well sometimes, instead of dealing with it, there's a detail or even a whole character that gets completely ignored.

So, we want to know when a book to screen adaptation ignored something you were looking forward to.

Maybe you were as upset as I was that they ignored Peeves in the Harry Potter movies?

Perhaps you were disappointed by the absence of Tom Bombadil in The Lord of The Rings?

Maybe you didn't like how the Maze Runner movie didn't include Thomas and Teresa's telepathy.

Or were you unpleasantly surprised by Clarisse And Dionysus barely being in the first Percy Jackson film?

Whatever it is, we want to know when a book detail you love has been totally ignored by a screen adaptation. Leave your comment below and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!