Everyone Is Talking About "The Tinder Swindler" – Here Are 22 Funny Tweets About It

    "Glad to see Tinder Swindler trending, she's been my favourite actor for years."

    Everyone is talking about Netflix's new hit documentary: The Tinder Swindler. It follows the shocking story of a con artist who, you guessed it, swindled women out of hundreds of thousands of dollars after talking to them on Tinder.

    a profile image of Simon

    If you couldn't quite believe what you were watching, don't worry, you're not the only one – here are the best reactions Twitter had to offer.

    Cecille from Tinder Swindler


    “swindle the Tinder Swindler” 😭💀 #tinderswindler

    Twitter: @Kavienraj_


    All Simon from Tinder Swindler knows is to voicenote.

    Twitter: @Oloni


    Ayleen from The Tinder Swindler logging into eBay while Simon Leviev WhatsApps her about 1-star hostels #TheTinderSwindler

    Twitter: @BrittyJo


    Twitter: @SeesInterludes


    Simon after every two minutes #TheTinderSwindler #tinderswindler

    Twitter: @carolinespencer


    Simon Leviev’s favourite song #tinderswindler

    Twitter: @brooksenior1


    Glad to see Tinder Swindler trending, she’s been my favourite actor for years.

    Twitter: @SeanBurkeShow


    What struck me with Tinder Swindler is that an average European can access 250,000 usd without any collateral.

    Twitter: @trackmann2


    Ayleen looking for fucks to give when Simon Leviev is homeless and destitute #TheTinderSwindler #tinderswindler

    Twitter: @BrittyJo


    Tinder Swindler is wild Ask me to lend 20k I’m going to say ask billionaire daddio, not me 😂😂 I honestly do not care if Peter bumped his head

    Twitter: @AmberRoseGill


    Tinder Swindler is some craic, can't even get me bird to revolut me a 10er!

    Twitter: @CalvinOBrien1


    Nah tinder swindler is still killing me because if a man ever asked me to take a loan out I would cry of laughter🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Twitter: @gachiaa__


    The Tinder Swindler after blaming everything on his enemies

    Twitter: @guylikericky


    Tinder swindler is wild how did he only get 5 months in jail and he’s still living his best life on instagram wtf 😭😂

    Twitter: @MountaineNicole


    Noone: Absolutely noone: Simon Leviev: My enemies are after me😭😭 #tinderswindler

    Twitter: @Ndoni_M


    Me when “Simon” referred to himself as the “homeless king” after he became broke. #tinderswindler

    Twitter: @MC236754


    Not Tinder still allowing Simon to still use and be active on the app… #TheTinderSwindler

    Twitter: @suprina___


    Sorry but if Simon told me his enemy’s are after him I would have just told him I would pray extra hard for him that night #TheTinderSwindler

    Twitter: @blixberrie


    The #tinderswindler has girls taking out mortgages for him , and I can’t even get a text back .



    My biggest takeaway from #tinderswindler is how much credit white people have access to.

    Twitter: @DennisRed93


    #tinderswindler And the Best Supporting Actor Award in a movie goes to: Peter 🤣🤌🙌

    Twitter: @nonkem


    Marge wasn’t having it #tinderswindler #TindlerSwindler 🤣🤣

    Twitter: @ceesthinking

    What are your thoughts about The Tinder Swindler? Let us know in the comments below!

    Don't miss Sam Claflin in the new rom-com Book of Love from BuzzFeed Studios, available on Sky Cinema from 12 Feb.