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We Want To Know The Silliest Thing You Did As A Kid, Because We All Could Use A Bit Of A Laugh

I will never regret my love of eating candlewax.

We all do some seriously silly things when we're kids, I mean it's pretty much part and parcel of growing up. But if you can't laugh at the silly things you've done then what can you do?

So, we want to know the silliest thing you did when you were younger.

Maybe you thought it would be a good idea to put your mum's new phone in the microwave? (Sorry mum).

Or perhaps you used to snack on the fancy candles when your parents weren't looking?

Did you, like me, escape your parents' grip at a wedding and crawl down the aisle towards a confused groom?

Or maybe you just thought you'd redecorate the living room with permanent markers?

Whatever it is, we want to know the silliest thing you ever did when you were younger. Leave your comment below and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!