People Who Are Afraid Of Heights Went Cliff-Diving And It Will Make Your Heart Race

    Warning: Do not try this without proper supervision and safety precautions.

    We have a couple of BuzzFeed staffers who are absolutely terrified of heights. So we took them cliff-diving. Because that's exactly what someone who's scared of heights wants to do for fun. Watch the vid and try not to gasp (we dare you):

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    Here are Michelle, Kelsey, Julian, and Dan. They were super excited for the day to begin.

    They were so ready to jump they could hardly contain their enthusiasm.*

    To be fair, they were dealing with this:

    And this:

    So they definitely deserve our respect. I mean, they were all willing to face their fears AND JUMP OFF A FUCKING CLIFF.

    And every single one of them was able to jump off the first one!

    Which was kind of a total nightmare...

    ...mixed with an awesome adrenaline rush.

    When it came to the 70-foot cliff, there was (understandably) more hesitation.

    But some of them were able to make the leap (looking majestic as hell, we might add).

    And, either way, they definitely learned a valuable lesson, which is what this day was all about.