These Kids Explained Where Babies Come From And It Was Hilarious

    "They sell them at hospitals sometimes."

    Were you the kid who had no idea where babies came from? Or were you the kid who knew where they came from and had no shame in telling your parents (and the other kids) that you knew? Well, these kids tried their hand at explaining it, and their answers were pretty creative:

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    As a parent, you know if their response is "mmm, *nervous laugh* ughhh," chances are they probably know something and are too nervous to answer.

    And other times, your child really just doesn't they'll go into a story about how babies are sold in hospitals...

    ...and the doctors pick the perfect baby for the perfect parents. Oh, and each baby costs $10.

    Or, your child is old enough to know just enough but not too much… how a baby comes out of the private spot.

    And how after two people get married, the man gives "something" magical to the mom to make her fat and help the baby hatch.

    Or maybe your kid even knows enough to bring sperm into the story. As a parent, all you can really do is laugh because your child is smart enough to know baby-making is deeper than the birds and the bees.

    They know so much that they’re able to re-enact it with their fingers.

    It's OK, I promise...


    ...BE...OK, I PROMISE.

    Because to you, your baby will always be a baby, living in an innocent world.

    Don't worry, Dad...they were just kissing.

    ...GOSH, get your mind out of the gutter.

    And even if your kids know a lot or a little about how babies are made, wipe the sweat off your’ll be a long time before you become a grandparent.