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10 Effortless Ways To Work Out In The Morning

Because who has time for anything anymore? Your workout shouldn't be a burden. Try belVita breakfast biscuits to achieve a #morningwin everyday, even when you don't have time to hit the gym.

1. Your alarm just went off. Without even leaving your bed, knock out one minute of flutter kicks.

2. Now, without missing a beat, roll off your bed onto the floor. Do 30 push-ups.

3. That morning breath is starting to get annoying. Do some lunges over to the bathroom so you can fix this.

4. As you're brushing your teeth, do a wall sit.

5. OK, time to really wake up now. Two sets of 20 jumping jacks, go!


6. You want coffee, but your beans are on the top shelf. So grab a chair and do 30 step-ups while you're at it.

7. As you wait for the coffee to brew, use the same chair to do 20 tricep dips.

8. Now run in place as fast as you can for 30 seconds.

9. *Checks watch* Uh-oh, it's nearly time to head out for the day. As you figure out what to wear, do some squats!

10. Quick, do 30 crunches without thinking about it. Then check yourself out in the mirror. ;)

Now go take a shower, because even though you smell like hard work, no one else wants to smell that.