19 Things That Happen When You Watch "University Challenge"

    You feel like a genius if you get one question right.

    1. University Challenge is one of your favourite shows.

    2. You're a smart person, and this is your geeky pleasure.

    3. Getting a question right makes you feel like the cleverest person on the planet.

    4. You feel like you deserve an award or something.

    5. And it's the best feeling in the world when the bonus questions are on your specialist subject.

    Absolutely smashed the pastry questions on #UniversityChallenge tonight!

    Twitter: @sarah_sentiment

    You know what mille-feuille is 💅

    6. An "educated guess" leaves you positively euphoric.

    7. Although for every educated guess, there are usually several uneducated ones.

    8. And quite a few of the questions make literally no sense to you whatsoever.

    9. You definitely laugh at someone's name.

    10. And then you laugh at someone else's name.

    11. You're always ~completely honest~ about how many questions you get right.

    When people ask me how many questions I get right watching University Challenge

    Twitter: @aljwhite

    12. You fantasize about going on the show yourself.

    13. But then you realise the contestants are not like you... they're much better. They're geniuses.

    14. And you will become properly obsessed with at least one of them for the entire series.

    15. Even though their enormous brainpower makes you feel slightly insecure.

    16. Although there are some subjects which you'll always beat the brainboxes in.

    17. You'll get a frisson of fear from Jeremy Paxman's brutal dismissal of a wrong answer.

    18. The tension is unbearable as the time runs out.

    This round is so close! #UniversityChallenge

    Twitter: @dhwg3010

    19. And no matter how many times you watch the show, you will never get over this: