19 Cringe Things That Happen On Every Episode Of "Come Dine With Me"

    If in doubt, cover it in Thai mango dressing.

    1. One of the guests will look like this.

    2. The host will reveal their menu which includes some creative food combinations.

    3. A guest will look at the menu and say, "Oooh, no, I don't like pasta. Oooh, no, pasta, disgusting stuff."

    4. The host will have a culinary disaster and end up buying a replacement from the supermarket which they'll try to pass off as their own.

    5. The host will embrace their mortal enemy with a smile and pretend they're happy to see them.

    6. The sarcastic narrator will give you life.

    7. The guests will mingle awkwardly in the host's front room.

    8. The dreariest host will have the most interesting things hidden in their cupboard upstairs.

    9. Two guests will ruin the dinner by fighting.

    10. Something will get burnt.

    11. The guests will moan about the fact that something on the menu wasn't homemade.

    12. The host will unleash some kind of devastating "entertainment" on the guests.

    13. The host will commit a grave error of judgement which results in yet more awkwardness.

    14. Everyone will turn on one particularly annoying guest.

    15. Someone will be very upfront about how much they hate the food.

    16. Someone will try to dress up the most basic meal imaginable as a Michelin-starred dish.

    17. A host who probably doesn't deserve it will lead the scoreboard due to generous early scoring.

    18. Someone will deliver a damning score for a perfectly pleasant evening.

    19. Everyone will pretend to be happy for the winner even though they're jealous as fuck and everyone hates each other.