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    It's Official — "Lost In Translation" Has Finally Launched Their Adorable Merch On Shop BuzzFeed

    Now's your chance for official merch for BuzzFeed's beloved Tasty show — "Lost In Translation."

    Although Jasmine has to understand a recipe that's been through Google translate 20 times (thank you, Katie), the "Lost In Translation" merch is a lot less complicated. Plus, they're all essential items that you'll have no problem using every single day.

    Check out some of our fav items below:

    1. A berry cute tote bag for the famous strawberry king king because you know you'll use it all the time. How great would this be on your next grocery trip to pick up all the ingredients for your very own strawberry king king?

    Jasmine holding the tote with blue jeans and a white top

    2. A pullover that says "I like to butter my buns," because you do, in fact, prefer your buns buttered (as do we). Comfortable and cozy, this might just become your new favorite fall top.

    A white pull over that has orange, yellow buns with black writing that says "I like to butter my buns"

    3. An "add salad and cry" sticker to put on your emotional support water bottle because tbh, nothing gets you quite like this message.

    An eat salad and cry sticker with crying lettuce

    4. A "fruit juice mama" tee because you want to share your love of fruit juice with all who look upon you. Cute, simple, and perfect for throwing on when you don't want to assemble a complex OOTD, this uber-soft tee is going to become a staple all year around, no matter how cold it is (ahem, that's what layers are for).

    Katie Aubin wearing a white tee shirt with fruits that says "fruit juice mama"

    5. A "strawberry king king" mug for you to sip a matcha latte out of while watching the latest episode of "Lost In Translation." This guy can hold up to 11 ounces, aka the right amount to get your WFH routine started. What's also worthy of mention, is that it's microwave and dishwasher safe!

    Jasmine Pak holding the strawberry king king mug

    These just launched, so we suggest adding them to your cart before they're gone. These also make amazing holiday gifts for any "Lost In Translation" or Tasty lover, or ya know, yourself — so shop the collection now!

    Looking for the perfect gift for any occasion? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s gift guides!

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