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    My Life In A Nut Shell

    This is where I come to vent about my life and views and get helpful advice or incite from the people on the outside looking in.

    Because I Can

    So I read an article that said Blogging can be a huge stress relief, and an easy way to get things off your chest. You are probably like "wow so you have no friends to talk to?" No. That is not it. The fact is there really is not one person you can tell EVERYTHING to without either overloading them or sounding like a "conceded twit." Which I am not but I have a lot I need to talk about and HEY why not talk to all the BuzzFeeders. So I hope I don't bore you out but I am going to use this as a "Dumpster of my life and thoughts" it will get interesting just keep coming back.

    Ok so let me give you guys a quick run down of my current issue...I have always been the girl that was the "Leader" but also let people run all over me. Everyone that I have tried to explain this to hits me with the "well just change it" WTF! It is not that easy first off and second if it were why the hell am I talking to you about it...Anyways, one person that I feel as though might be really letting run over me is...My Boyfriend. This is where I could really use some advice. SO we have been in each others lives for 7 years and we have been dating for 2 1/2 of those years. He really is a great guy but he has a problem with Bad Judgment. He has a best friend that is a complete A-hole and he has WAY tooooo many "girl-friends". This would be totally fine if one of those B-faces wasn't all in his face. She works with him and blows his phone up NONstop. I also found out that they were playing video games together...OH HELL obviously that pissed me so I asked him to end the friendship because it makes me super uncomfortable. To which he replies "no problem babe". This is phrase I have heard 4 times now with the same scenario with the same B-face. Now he promises he has told her their relationship can only be professional but he lies when that Hoebag texts him....Yeah it could be about work but why not just tell me that?!?!....Should I trust him? #pissedandconfused