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    5 Ways You Might Be the WOAT (Worst Of All Time)

    The world’s a volatile, stressful place. Why not treat people the way you’d like to be treated? Why not be considerate? Why does this concept seem to be so hard for adults to grasp? Why be the WOAT? The following is a list of offenses. If you commit any of them you are, undoubtedly, the WOAT.

    1. Waiting first in line in a busy public restroom and not checking to ensure all stalls are in use, therefore holding up an entire line of people.

    toilet rippin' cigs

    2. Littering in a place where another human is going to have to spend time in their ONE LIFE picking it up to put it in a proper receptacle.

    messy litter/trash outside

    3. Putting your fingers on glass doors when a perfectly good, smudge proof handle or push bar is right in front of you.

    fingers smudging glass

    4. Walking into an elevator before people using wheelchairs or strollers.

    man alone in elevator

    5. Not writing a thank you note