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    The Finest Compositions In Video Game Music

    Far from being tinny and one-dimensional, video game music can often be harmonically complex and emotionally moving. Here, Bachtrack takes a look at the best music ever written for video games.

    Assassin's Creed II - Jesper Kyd

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    The memorable, evocative score from Assassin's Creed II brings the magic and intrigue of Renaissance Italy to life. Written by BAFTA award-winning composer Jesper Kyd, it's certainly worth listening to - even if you don't play video games. Read our feature of the soundtrack to Assassin's Creed II here.

    "Baba Yetu" - Christopher Tin

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    Christopher Tin's composition for the game Civilization IV made history when it became the first piece of video game music to win an award in 2011. Tin, however, doesn't just compose for games - he writes works for classical concerts and films too, and incorporates elements of world music into his sound. Read our interview with Tin here.

    The music of Nobuo Uematsu

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    Once described as the "Beethoven of video game music" Nobuo Uematsu made his name composing the scores for Square Enix's hugely successful Final Fantasy video game series, which won him much acclaim. So much so, in fact, that in 2013 concert producer Thomas Boecker - the man behind Symphonic Game Music Concerts - began the Final Symphony concert series, which reinterpreted Uematsu's scores in an orchestral setting.

    You can watch the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra perform Uematsu's work here and here.

    Chrono - Yasunori Mitsuda

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    Another Japanese video game composer who's received the symphonic treatment is Yasunori Mitsuda, best known for his work on Square Enix's Chrono. His music for Chrono Trigger was first performed live by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra in 1996, making him something of a pioneer in the world of symphonic game music. You can find listings for performances of Mitsuda's music here. Fun fact: when Mitsuda was working on Chrono Trigger, we reportedly worked so hard on it that he developed a stomach ulcer and had to be sent to hospital.

    Kingdom Hearts - Yoko Shimomura

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    Perhaps the most bombastic video game music comes from Yoko Shimomura for the Kingdom Hearts series - another Square Enix production. Her sweeping scores have also been realised in an orchestral setting, and she's also contributed music to the Final Fantasy XV score. See listings for performances of her music here.