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    What Its Like To Find A Job In Your 20s

    Finding a job out of college is difficult, but finding one after a year of work should make it easy...right?

    Yeah, no, let this be a reality check. It's called the Hustle, and baby face, it's so real.

    But then a few weeks in, it hits you

    So you fill out some more apps

    And then you get to the end of those unbelievably long applications, and they ask, "in 150 characters or less, what is something unique about you?"

    You also need to start messaging people like a creep, and literally werk the network

    But one morning as you arrive to work and as the no job panic sweats kick in, you receive the email

    And when the HR rep talks to you, you're like

    Sometimes they'll ask about pay, and you'll just

    Regardless, you'll be fine