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ArtRAve Live~! On Blog Talk Radio Mon Jun 4 @ 6-6:30pm

click on the link above for more details Here at ArtRave we continue to explore ways to promote your art online. For those of you who are active on the site, this is good news indeed and you have already experienced the increase traffic flowing to your numerous websites such as Zazzle, Redbubble, FineArtAmerica, Imagekind, ArtWanted .com etc While we make no money for directing traffic to your websites via links you provide in your art descriptions, comments, blogs and your own mypage[My WebPage] the new profile settings allow you to share more through ArtRave than at most other sites~ We are now beginning to go one step further~] We are going live on air with blog radio - a great way to further promote your art online~! We intend on having live features scheduled with various artist where we can discuss your art and talk to the audience about your art and where they can find it online and how they can buy it.This will be an ongoing process from now on and so the more active you become on ArtRave the more promotion you will receive. Please tune in to this first broadcast and call in with comments and questions you may have that would further interest the audience.Check the link above for details and mark your calendar to tune in~! If you think you have an idea for a show, email me and we will discuss it~!! Co-hosts welcome to join me too :) the shows will be live, but there will be podcasts saved for future listening as well.