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    9 Of Thomas Jefferson's Accomplishments For His 273th Birthday

    A list of 9 great things Thomas Jefferson has done

    1. The Declaration Of Independence

    2. Louisiana purchase

    3. Separation of church and state

    4. Ended slave importation

    5. The Library of Congress (LOC)

    6. The virginia statute for religious freedom

    7. Currency

    8. The Embargo act of 1807

    9. America’s First Foodie

    Regardless of your opinion of our 3rd president, he helped shaped a lot of what we know as America today. He was not only in the right place, at the right time. But he was the right man for the job. This list only includes a small portion of his life's work. He has also influenced modern agriculture and even started a university. So with that, please wish Mr. Jefferson a happy 273th birthday.