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The 13 Worst Kinds Of People To Be On A Phone Call With

Who doesn’t love a good ol’ phone call? Sometimes, people on the other end of the phone can drive you out of your mind. Thanks to Ava, Avaya’s new Business Engagement Expert, you won’t have to endure any more communication fails

1. An automated answering service that can't decipher a word you're saying.

2. The person who answers the phone to say they can't talk right now.

3. The person who is in the middle of something more pressing.

4. Someone who's pretending they're NOT calling from a restroom.

5. The person who definitely called you to ask a favor but first makes 15 minutes of small talk.

6. Somebody who has had way too much wine.

7. The person who's cooking dinner and also trying to listen to you talk about your terrible breakup.

8. Someone who assumes that you're the one with bad reception.

9. Your friend who has a yappy dog.

10. The person who's clearly talking to somebody else the whole time.

11. Somebody who keeps switching between you and their other line.

12. Someone who's trying to console a crying baby.

13. The person who keeps handing the phone off to other people.

And people who don't realize you can SEE them on video calls:

Poor phone etiquette is just one of the tech fails that we make every day. Now, Ava is here to help, so your office doesn't have to endure offenders like this:

View this video on YouTube

Check out more Office Offenders to be aware of on Avaya's YouTube Page.