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11 Irritating Things That Drive Designers Crazy

And now we all know how to get under a designer's skin. If you're an industrial designer, product designer, or just want to take it up as a hobby, check out Autodesk’s free educational software, and start creating today!

1. When people don’t understand that there are so many different kinds of designers.

2. When someone gives you direction over your shoulder.

3. When you spend hours just trying to decide if a project is done yet.

4. When people ask for free designs.

5. When you have to wait an eternity for a tiny, little thing to render.

6. When clients say, “I’ll know what I want when I see it.”

7. When your eyes are assaulted by bad work.

8. When clients ask if you can "whip something up real quick.”

9. When you see a poorly designed structure and wish you could erase it from the planet.

10. When you’re sent massive layered files to dig through.

11. When someone rips off one of your designs.

What will your next masterpiece be? Check out Autodesk’s free educational software today, and start fixing all the design wrongs that are committed on a daily basis!