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14 Women Tell Us Why They Wear Makeup

It's not about looking good for dudes. *Side-eye emoji*

We asked women at BuzzFeed to finish the statement, "I wear makeup because ______." These are their answers.

"I wanna see all the versions of myself I can possibly find."

"Because it's ~fun~ and also ~none of your business~."

"I think I just look better with it, tbh."

"I don't think I look like 'me' without it. (Like today.)"

"I like the ritual and the precision and the power."

"The 10 minutes I spend applying in the A.M. is my true ~zen~ time. Plus, red lipstick makes me feel like a badass LADY."

"Because it's fun!"

"Because it makes me feel like me! (And it's fun.)"

"Because it makes me feel more confident!"

"It's a form of performance and gender play."

"Because it can be FUN! And when it's not, I don't wear it."

"Because I've loved beauty + glamour since I was 3 years old... it's just fun to play with!"

"Because it's my catch up on TV."

"Because it makes me feel FRESH to DEATH."

Now it's your turn! Why do you wear makeup?