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    Here's A Ridiculously Easy Way To DIY Negative Space Nail Art

    For anyone who's sworn off French manicure.

    Here are the tools you'll need

    - (Optional) Pre-glued nails (we used Patricia Inspire nails)

    - Metallic nail polish (we used Orly Rage)

    - French manicure tip guides (we used these)

    - Nail dotting tool (we used this)

    - Top coat (we used Seche Vite)

    You can paint directly on your natural nail, or you can use pre-glued nails, which can make art much easier. Follow these instructions if you're going to use pre-glued nails.

    Step 1: Remove any polish or debris from your nails.

    Step 2: Place two French manicure tip guides (they're essentially stickers) on your nail.

    Step 3: Continue to use your dotting tool to press down on the nail guides where they meet the edge of your nail.

    Step 4: Using your metallic polish, paint the outermost sections of your nail that have been taped off.

    Step 5: Once the polish is completely dry, gently peel the nail tip guides off of your nail.

    Step 6: Finish with a clear top coat.

    Find more wedding nail art ideas here.

    Nail Artist: Miss Pop Nails
    Hand Model: Augusta Falletta
    Patricia Inspire Nails were provided to BuzzFeed Life free of charge.