This Company Ships Potato Love Notes To Your Friends For $8

    Mystery Potatoes are the new Conversation Hearts.

    To a normal human being, this is just a big ol' sack of potatoes.

    But to the weirdo geniuses over at, these spuds are the key to good relationships: Secret love notes.

    For $7.99, this company will ship a potato with a customized message to someone you love.

    You can send sweet, loving notes.

    ...or ~spice things up~ with a spud.

    Some people have chosen to use the potatoes in lieu of a gender reveal cake.

    While others have gone straight up motivational.

    Here's the only catch: The potato sender is LITERALLY a mystery until you post your tater on social media.

    But when you think about it, who wouldn't love getting a silly potato in the mail?

    We could all use a spud around the house.