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How To Fill In, Shape, Tweeze, Trim, And Transform Your Eyebrows

Brow down.

Joey Healy is one of the foremost eyebrow specialists in New York. He knows that eyebrows are not "one size fits all."

Here are the tools he used:

First, use a tweezer (or an eyebrow pencil) and line it up against your face to map out where your eyebrow should begin and end on your face.

For thinner eyebrows, follow these guidelines for filling in with a pencil. If you prefer to use an eyebrow brush and powder, the same guidelines apply.

And for thick eyebrows, focus on grooming hairs around your natural brow.

Now, for the specifics. The eyebrow type you have will determine your grooming details.

For over-tweezed eyebrows: Focus on filling in sparse areas and getting rid of stray hairs.

The result:

For those with a smaller forehead: Focus on maximizing the space between your eyebrows and your hairline.

The result:

For patchy eyebrows: Focus on uniform density.

The result:

For eyebrows that are already thick: Focus on cleaning up around the brow itself.

The result:

For eyebrows with no arch: Focus on using a highlighter and a pencil to create the appearance of an arch.

The result:

For unruly eyebrows: Focus on trimming really long hairs and tweezing underneath the head and the tail of the eyebrow.

The result:

For thick eyebrows that have "sprouts" at the head: Focus on filling in the head and cleaning up the tail.

The result:

For round eyebrows: Focus on using a pencil to create an arch further away from the center of the eyebrow.

The result:

All hail the brow master Joey Healy.