This Is The Cutest, Easiest Way To Style Your Hair For The Gym

    Throw a headband on there and you're good to go.

    Truth bomb: Post-workout hair usually looks messy AF. So we asked some ~fit~ dudes to try out gym-proof hairstyles to see what would actually work when we got out of the locker room.

    Start by brushing your hair back to get ready for a low ponytail.

    Wrap a hair tie around the base of the ponytail at the base of your neck.

    This part's optional, but if you want to wear a headband, now's the time to put it on.


    Now, poke a hole in the hair just above the elastic, and flip the ends of the hair up and through the hole, pulling it through the bottom to create a topsy tail.

    Facebook: video.php

    And BOOM. You're good to hit the gym!

    Hair: Jeff Chastain
    Model: Stefano Cracolici

    Stefano Cracolici is wearing a shirt provided by New Balance and a headband provided by Forever 21.

    Special thanks to CrossFit BRICK for providing a workout space.