This Braided Bun Is The Best Thing You Can Do With Wet Hair

    It's also excellent on days when your hair is way too dirty but you're too lazy to wash it.

    Truth bomb: Post-workout hair usually looks messy AF. So we asked some ~fit~ dudes to try out gym-proof hairstyles to see what would actually work when we got out of the locker room.

    So you get done at the gym and your hair looks like a wet, sweaty mess.*

    Here's what you do: Pull it all up into a slick high ponytail.

    See how slick that looks? Nice.

    Now separate the ponytail into three sections so you can get your braid on.

    Braid! Braid! Braid! Keep going until you hit the ends of the ponytail, then secure it with an elastic.

    When you're done your hair should look like this.

    Lift up the braid to start wrapping it around the base of the ponytail.

    Wrap the braid into a bun.

    Then, once you've got this cute lil' braided bun going on, secure it with as many bobby pins as you need to hold it in place.

    Damn, that's some nice hair!

    Hair: Jeff Chastain
    Model: Stefano Cracolici

    Special thanks to CrossFit Brick for providing a workout space.