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    20 TikTok Products From Target You Won't Be Able To Shut Up About

    Because TikTok-obsessed Target shoppers don’t gate-keep. IYKYK

    1. A pack of holy grail status pimple patches that not only suck the life out of the most annoying pimple but also low-key conceals it in the process. If you get the urge to touch or pop your pimples, add these to your cart ASAP because they'll also serve as a protective barrier. Sometimes you are your own worst enemy.

    2. A velvety matte-finish primer that will truly leave your skin looking poreless. If you're looking for a smooth makeup application, look no more — this primer is pretty much a filter in a jar.

    the matte putty primer

    3. An allergy-tested lengthening mascara because you spent the entirety of 2022 looking for a mascara that makes your lashes look fabulous without budging throughout the day — and this is the one. Yes, it's safe for sensitive eyes and contact wearers.

    the mascara and wand

    4. A Scrub Daddy paste cleanser that will take your cleaning capabilities to unseen heights. We all know and love Scrub Daddy sponges, but the Power Paste removes buildup on anything in a way that almost feels like magic — it will make you feel like you actually haven't been cleaning your home as well as you thought you were (but, like, in a good way).

    5. A jar of eye patches in case the bags under your eyes are anything but designer. These are packed with vitamin A and jasmine to smooth the skin while chamomile and lavender help calm the skin. Apply at night for at least 10 minutes, pat in any remaining serum, and wake up feeling and looking refreshed. Talk about beauty sleep.

    the Pixi Under Eye patches

    6. A bottle of ocean mist-scented laundry boosters just in case you're looking for a way to enhance the smell of your fresh laundry without any heavy perfumed or dyed laundry detergent. This will give your loads a light fresh scent that's long-lasting but never overpowering.

    person adding the scent boosters to a load of laundry

    7. A brown sugar and coconut butter exfoliating body polish that may smell like a dessert but I strongly suggest you don't consume. The gentle exfoliating beads are engulfed in a creamy moisturizing base that leaves your skin feeling silky smooth.

    the body polish

    8. A powerful dishwashing spray that technically is only made for dishes but according to some fans, can tackle everything from dirty kitchen counters to tabletops. If you frequent #CleanTok, then you know just how much people love this dishwashing spray, which leads me to ask: Why have you taken so long to buy a bottle of your own?

    the dawn powerwash spray

    9. A spa-quality dry brush so you can give your skin the exfoliation it needs. Dry brushing is also linked to improving blood circulation which is another reason to add this trusty tool to your self-care routine. FYI, it's made from recycled materials so you can feel as good about using the dry brush on the inside as you do on the outside. Remember to brush before showering in upward strokes and replace your brush every 30 days or so.

    person holding the dry brush

    10. A collagen and peptide moisturizer because your skin feels like a dry sponge throughout the winter and you need something to bring it back to life while helping it retain moisture over time. Also, you vowed to switch over to more affordable skincare after purchasing a jar of $100 moisturizer that did absolutely nothing. This is a sign to stick to your guns, and by guns I mean Target.

    the peptide collagen moisturizer

    11. A skincare deodorant that doesn't have an unsavory "detox" period like other natural deodorants that you may be familiar with. If you tried natural deodorant and failed due to that transition period where you low-key smell like onion soup, add this to your cart without a doubt.

    person holding the Saltair deodorant

    12. A concentrated multi-purpose cleaner just in case you're exploring the idea of converting to "clean" household cleaning products this year. Simply add the concentrate to a reusable glass bottle, shake and clean to your heart's content.

    the concentrate cleaner and glass bottle with mixed solution

    13. A pair of high-rise, ribbed leggings so you can show up to your next pilates class or Target run in style. If there's one thing that hasn't changed about you in the last few years, it's the fact that you'll choose a comfy pair of leggings over real pants any day.

    person wearing the leggings

    14. A dermatologist recommended healing ointment that anyone in the family can use on any part of their body that has dry, cracked, or irritated skin. If you're wondering how it works, it nourishes your skin and then creates a protective layer to keep your skin healing and thriving.

    a model holding the ointment bottle

    15. A gummy bear scented body wash because your favorite way to tap into your inner child is with self-care products that spark nostalgia. For those trying not to indulge in the sticky but delicious candy, this will suffice.

    person smelling the gummy bear body wash

    16. A makeup-removing balm just in case the internet has finally convinced you that makeup wipes should be a thing of your past. Now, you can lecture your friends about why wipes are bad for your skin (and the environment) and encourage them to grab this instead.

    the makeup melting balm

    17. A reusable, washable volcanic stone roller that makes oil leave without a trace. This is a travel-friendly and super convenient way to touch up your makeup if you're sick of having to pack a whole emergency face kit.

    the absorbing volcanic roller

    18. A cute tumbler with a straw since you won't be caught dead drinking your favorite beverages from anything that wasn't super aesthetically pleasing.

    19. A pomegranate and honey-scented leave-in conditioner if your current hair goals include defining your curls, moisturizing your mane, and getting endless, "Omg, your hair smells so good" compliments.

    the leave in conditioner

    20. A stackable faux leather storage bin because you're dedicated to getting your house in order and want to desperately redecorate. Why not kill two birds with one stone and grab these functional yet aesthetically pleasing storage solutions?

    the storage bins in three different sizes

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.