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    This Is How You Make The Cutest Cat Sleeve Shirt


    What you need:

    * Short Sleeve Shirt

    * Button

    * Embroidery thread (black and pink)

    * Embroidery needle

    * Sewing thread

    * Sewing Needle

    * Scissors


    * Cut the sleeve as outline in the video, leaving the scrap piece whole and saving for later. (this scrap will become the ears.) Apply anti-fray liquid if necessary.

    * Sew a button at the peak of the section you just cut.

    * Stitch 3 whiskers on each side of the nose.

    * Take the scrap piece and cut it directly in half at the peak.

    * On the new small piece, for in half and stitch along the fold (not the open end). This will give the ears structure so that they will stand upright.

    * Repeat that process of the other piece of scrap to create the second ear.

    * Sew the ears along the should seam.

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