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19 Shameless Things That Happen When You Become Obsessed With A Band

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

1. The fastest you’ve ever run was when the doors opened at a standing-room-only concert.

2. Your life changed forever when a band member made eye contact with you at a concert for 0.4 seconds.

3. Your security persuasion skills are unmatched, and you have the backstage passes to prove it.

4. You went to war if anyone dared to question your beloved band’s talent.

5. Essentially everything you owned had their faces on it.

6. You kept random shit that they touched, like water bottles and gum.

7. You put your parents' love to the test with carpools to gigs and stadium traffic from hell.

8. And your rents' car became your fandom chariot.

9. You still find random band relics in your room every now and then.

10. You knew exactly where the tour buses parked and which entrances the stars used at your local arena.

11. You totally sold your soul for meet-and-greet passes.

12. When they had a televised performance, every TV in your house was ON LOCK.

13. You were a VIP, triple gold star, black belt, all-inclusive member of their fan club.

14. You scowled at fangirls in line who set off false-alarm screamfests.

15. And when you finally met them in person, your brain decided to die.

16. And when you got older, finally taking down your band posters was an emotional experience.

17. The band breaking up was the worst day of your young life.

18. Now when you find out someone else was also a former fangirl you become instant BFFs.

19. And it doesn't matter how old you are — their songs still fill you with joy.

Because true love is ~forever~.