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    27 Free Phone Backgrounds For Anyone Who Needs A Little Pep Talk

    Beautiful and inspiring; what's not to love?

    1. This important reminder to yourself:

    2. This prescription for some peace of mind:

    3. This wallpaper that validates your weirdo self:

    4. This very true fact about mythical creatures like yourself:

    5. The most flattering compliment ever given:

    6. This sweet bit of inspo:

    7. This glamorous guidance from Coco Chanel:

    8. This helpful sprinkling of glitter and happiness:

    9. This royal quote fit for a princess like yourself:

    10. This charming design with a joyful exclamation:

    11. This recommendation to do whatever you damn well please:

    12. These two words:

    13. This little bit of advice to get yourself ahead:

    14. This floral piece of good advice:

    This pro tip that is responsible for a Fortune 500 company:

    15. A seemingly obvious but often overlooked idea:

    16. This design that is very in tune with reality:

    17. This cause and effect:

    18. These encouraging pineapples:

    19. This design that features your new title:

    20. This animated piece of advice:

    21. This ray of sunshine you can save for a cloudy day:

    22. This mantra straight out of Ariana Grande's playbook:

    23. This fact that we all need to be reminded of once in a while:

    24. This simple and happy little story:

    25. This golden rule:

    26. These words of wisdom:

    27. This quote that will hopefully bring you a little bit of relief: