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    16 Totally Doable DIY Projects That All Solve More Than One Problem

    Because 2 > 1.

    1. This darling divider that doubles as a mirror:

    2. These planters that double as house numbers:

    Here is the tutorial for the mounted trunk and this is the tutorial for the large planter.

    3. These hanging folding chairs that double as storage when they're not being used:

    Your garage will thank you later. See more about this idea here.

    4. This headboard that is actually a wardrobe:

    Business in the front, sleepy in the back. Check out how it's made here.

    5. This creative way to stash pens:

    6. A coffee table that transforms for playtime:

    7. This armoire with a hidden work station:

    8. These ottomans that are secretly filing cabinets:

    9. This crafting table that folds away into wall art:

    10. An outdoor table for the whole family to enjoy:

    Because ain't nobody got space for both. See how this table can be made by clicking here.

    11. A big planter that serves as an outdoor end table by putting the ceramic dish on top instead of underneath:

    12. This peg board kitchen decor that features your most used pots and pans:

    13. This coffee station that stashes all of your morning necessities:

    14. This toilet paper holder that knows you bring your phone into the bathroom with you:

    15. This decorative book that also disguises your less than beautiful router:

    16. This window pane transformed into a photo collage, shelf, and message station:

    Hooray for decor that multitasks just as much as you do!