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    15 Really Random Things That Make Adorable Stamps

    These all have a stamp of approval.

    1. Make a stamp out of a potato.

    This ~starchy stamp~ can be cut into tons of adorable shapes. Here are some instructions that will show you how.

    2. Or toilet paper rolls.

    A bundle of them can make this perfect four-leaf clover.

    3. Opt for forks.

    A delightful addition to any table setting. Check out the instructions here.

    4. Make symmetrical circles with straws.

    This tutorial is ~strawesome~. Check it out here.

    5. Experiment with lint rollers.

    6. Even rolled-up denim works.

    Check out a little how-to guide here.

    7. Use pencil erasers.

    Or instead of carving the eraser, just bundling a few pencils together can create a whole new look.

    Click here for some inspiration.

    8. And look how cute celery is for a stamp:

    9. And check out these apples:

    10. You can get creative with bubble wrap.

    11. Or use yarn to make a personalized pattern.

    Gosh yarn it, this is so cute. Here are the instructions.

    12. Corks work great, too.

    Carve a simple design into a cork using an X-Acto knife. You can also use it as is to make perfectly textured polka dots. Check out a little guide here.

    This tutorial used a cork to carve a perfect button stamp.

    13. Repurpose your erasers.

    14. Stick foam shapes onto bottle caps for quick DIY stamps.

    And you're good to go. Here are instructions.

    15. Create this darling design with some craft foam sheets.