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    How To Feed And Care For Your Ram

    Veterinary school isn't all puppies and kittens. Here's how you help can set your Ram up for success. (Tips provided by CSU's Dr. Gretchen Delcambre, Dr. Laurie Fonken, and DVM student Marta Karn.)

    Welcome to the Ramily 💚

    Do: Work with your Ram to set aside a check-in time.

    Do: Know your Ram is living on a budget.

    Do: Ask your Ram how you can help him/her.

    Don't: Expect your Ram to go into study mode just at midterms and finals.

    Don't: Expect your Ram to always answer your messages right away.

    Don't: Take it personally.

    Don't: Just take our word for it. Here is some additional advice from current students.

    “I wish that they knew I want to be present for them and involved in their lives, but I don’t always have the time I would like to spend time with them.”

    ”I wish they knew how stressful it is to be in this much debt--I want to be able to come visit people around the country, but I just don't have money for the plane tickets.”

    “Budget is incredibly shoestring. I'm not missing your wedding because I'm a jerk, I just literally have no money to fly out.”

    “The exams are tough and school is hard, so when I seem stressed it isn’t because of you, but because of school.”

    “Making phone calls back to friends and family gets very difficult in the middle of the week, so a text FROM my support group saying, 'I know you are swamped so I just wanted to text and remind you I love you!' would be helpful.”