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    10 Signs That You're A Broke College Student

    If you catch yourself screaming "YASSS" to any of these points, you're probably a broke college student.

    10. You've debated selling scantrons in class right before an exam

    9. You order kids meals almost everywhere you go

    8. You've donated blood at the Blood Drive just to get free snacks and a shirt

    7. Your entire wardrobe consists of the free T-shirts given at events

    6. You constantly debate on going to class to conserve your gas

    5. You're counting on your student refund to help you survive the rest of the semester

    4. None of your video streaming accounts are actually yours

    3. You buy the cheapest alcohol possible even if it tastes like dirt

    2. You've researched plenty of times if eating ramen noodles six times a week would kill you

    1. You take full advantage of visiting your parents for the free meals and laundry service