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    The 90s And Early 2000s: A Look Back At The Glory Days Of Adam Sandler

    Because let's be real, the movies he's released the last few years have been total stink bombs.

    In honor of #flashbackfriday, I thought I would share a breakdown of my top 5 Adam Sandler movies of all time. My sister and I spent much of our childhood/teenage years watching these movies on repeat while in the car on road-trips. These movies never failed to make us laugh at the same dumb, corny lines time and time again. My dad used to always say, "I have to listen to this movie AGAIN?!" I'm not sure he's actually seen any of the movies, just knows the dialogue by heart thanks to his daughters' obsession. Without further ado, let's dive in.

    5. Mr. Deeds (2002)

    4. The Waterboy (1998)

    3. Billy Madison (1995)

    2. Happy Gilmore (1996)

    1. Big Daddy (1999)