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    The 9 People In Every Pickup Basketball Game

    It’s Saturday and you want to play basketball, but like most Americans you weren’t drafted to the NBA so it’s not that easy. You decide to head down to your local park when look who you run into. It’s the 9 people in every pickup basketball game. Wow. These 9 fellows. What are they doing here. I guess to play basketball probably.

    1. Guy Who Just Watched His First Episode of Basketball

    2. Guy Who Won’t Stop Listening to Season 2 of Serial

    3. James Who Doesn't Know the Rules

    4. Racist Phil

    5. Guy Who Forgot Shorts and Is Also Wearing a Huge Puffy Snow Jacket

    6. Guy Who's Afraid There's a Tiny Person in the Ball

    7. Guy Who Covered His Hands in Glue and Now the Ball is Stuck to His Hands

    8. Jew

    9. Your Childhood Crush