This Is What Being An Exorcist Is Actually Like

    When it comes to evil spirits, Brother Carlos doesn't mess around.

    Exorcisms are the casting out of evil spirits. From 0 CE to 200 CE, anyone could perform them, but in 250 CE only specific exorcists who were part of the clergy were allowed to do them.

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    Today, only a select group of God's followers practice exorcisms, like Carlos Oliveira, known as "Brother Carlos." He says he does this because of a passion in his heart, and a calling from his God in heaven.

    Back in 1989, Brother Carlos experienced a horrific situation involving a possessed woman that led him to perform exorcisms.

    When Brother Carlos meets someone in need of deliverance, like Laurie, he likes to conduct an investigation first.

    Based on what the people say, Brother Carlos continues with follow-up questions to find out where the demons are residing and why they are there.

    Then it was time for Brother Carlos to confront the demons. He began by engaging in some serious eye contact because, as they say, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

    When the evil spirits exit the person, Brother Carlos says some people scream or fall to the floor, like Laurie did.

    "I don't go by the book. I don't go by the rite of exorcism. I just get to the demons right away."

    When Brother Carlos finally pulled the demons out, he restrained them by binding or handcuffing them to prevent them from ever coming back.

    When the exorcism is over, people are relieved, like Laurie was. Brother Carlos said she may have been experiencing no pain for the first time in years!

    Now, Brother Carlos is quite aware that there are many skeptics out there when it comes to demons and exorcisms, but you can't argue with what someone is feeling.

    After the exorcism, Laurie said she felt at peace, and she felt free. She said she truly believed that Jesus had used Brother Carlos to set her free.