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13 Signs You’re Definitely Dying Right Now

WE SWEAR it's hypercarefulness, not hypochondria. Stop googling symptoms, and instead use ARC InstaTemp™'s easy, non-touch thermometer to make sure you're not dead.

1. You feel like your breathing might be weird.

2. You've got chest pains.

3. You're pretty sure you might have a fever.

4. Your co-worker is sick.

5. You found some weird red bumps on your skin.

6. You let some rando friend of a friend have a sip of your drink.

7. Your mouth feels crazy dry.

8. You have zero energy.

9. There's this feeling like something is stuck in your throat.

10. You have stomach pains.

11. Your doctor seems way too dismissive.

12. You felt dizzy when you stood up.

13. You have a headache.

Thankfully, the ARC InstaTemp™ non-touch thermometer gives you a stress-free way to lessen your TOTALLY LEGIT sickness stress.