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14 Reasons Middle School Was The Most Awkward Time Of Your Life

BRB, hiding until freshman year of high school. There are plenty of opportunities to make a splash in junior high. Why not add a splash of flavor to your water with Aquafina FlavorSplash while you’re at it?

1. You had to deal with this torture device every second of every day.

2. And who decided you should have been able to choose your own clothes?

3. Because that love note you doodled in class almost always ended up in the wrong hands.

4. And there's no way you could ignore all the feels you had for that guy in your math class.

5. Gym class was a social and physical nightmare.

6. Not to mention your body was changing every single day, and it was kind of overwhelming.

7. Making new friends at lunch wasn't always the easiest.

8. And when you read out loud in class, there was a 50/50 chance your voice would crack.

9. Your yearbook picture captured that awkward teen smile FOREVER.

10. You made this face when someone asked you to the middle school dance.

11. And the dance itself was a social experiment in awkwardness.

12. (And by the way, who invited your parents to chaperone??)

13. Because no matter how well adjusted of a grownup you turn out to be...

14. ...thinking about middle school will always make you feel like this: