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    Arrowverse Relationships, Ranked

    I thought of all the actual couples in the Arrowverse, and I ranked them, so here we are.

    27. Kara Danvers and Mon-El

    These two were toxic from the start. They opposed each other on everything, and I hated them together. They're better separate.

    26. Sara Lance and Nyssa Al Ghul

    Why was this ever a thing? I hated every second of their relationship on screen. Please just don't.

    25. Barry Allen and Felicity Smoak

    Why are they so low on the list? Because it's such a bad relationship! Oliver and Barry were already friends before, and their hearts yearned for other people. No, just no.

    24. Lena Luthor and James Olsen

    Why did they do this? I could barely sense any chemistry between these two, and Lena was always trying to solve James's problems for him. They never communicated or listened to each other; it would've never worked.

    23. Ray Palmer and Kendra Saunders

    These two weren't a good couple at all. When they got stranded, they tried to make a life together, but when they were back on the Waverider, Ray couldn't be happy even though Kendra was. These two just wanted different things out of life.

    22. Ray Palmer and Felicity Smoak

    This relationship screamed toxic to me from the beginning. How they got together was just weird, but they definitely weren't the worst couple in the Arrowverse.

    21. Cisco Ramon and Gypsy

    These two were cute while on screen, but in the end, it was obvious that they were better of as just friends.

    20. Nate Heywood and Zari Tomaz

    No, no, no! Nate was with Amaya just a couple of months ago, and Zari and Amaya were best friends! I'm just not the biggest fan of this relationship.

    19. Eddie Thawne and Iris West

    These two were so cute together. Eddie was in love with Iris, and he always wanted the best for her. They got a lot of hate for being together, but they never did anything wrong.

    18. Cisco Ramon and Kamilla Hwang

    They love each other so much! They're so cute together, but they also haven't had enough cute moments to be higher on the list.

    17. Oliver Queen and Sara Lance

    I know that I am going to get a lot of hate for putting them so low on the list, but their relationship started off with cheating. There is no way they could've lasted as a couple with such an awful start.

    16. Barry Allen and Patty Spivot

    Look, they were cute! But personally, I think their relationship wasn't the best. Barry wasn't honest with Patty, and he was in love with Iris the entire time.

    15. Leonard Snart and Sara Lance

    They had so much chemistry! But, their relationship didn't make much sense, and we didn't get enough screen time of them for them to be higher on the list.

    14. Ray Palmer and Nora Darhk

    Aw, these two are so cute! My only problem with them is that their relationship started off with her trying to kill him and all of his friends?

    13. Ronnie Raymond and Caitlin Snow

    This is just sad. She had to lose him. Twice. But in the end, they loved each other so much.

    12. Joe West and Cecile Horton

    Need I explain? These two are in love with each other, and they are meant for one another! They've sticked together through so much, but I just don't they're soulmates.

    11. Tommy Merlyn and Laurel Lance

    In the final episode of the "Arrow", we learned that if Tommy lived, they would've gotten married! I think that they've always been a cute couple, but there was so much history behind them.

    10. Wally West and Jesse Quick

    They were in love! I think that they were an amazing couple, but their breakup was so sad! In the end, even if they supported and loved one another, they just weren't meant for each other.

    9. Nate Heywood and Amaya Jiwe

    They're so cute. They're meant for each other, but they also had their problems. They had to work around the whole time traveling thing, and the fact that Amaya had to return to Zambesi. They were cut while they lasted, but in the end, they just weren't meant for each other.

    8. Oliver Queen and Laurel Lance

    Yes, he cheated on her. Yes, their relationship started off horribly, but when Oliver came back, they became an amazing power couple. I loved them.

    7. Maggie Sawyer and Alex Danvers

    By far, one of the best couples ever. They love each other so much, and Maggie helped Alex realize who she truly is!

    6. Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak

    I know a lot of people don't like this couple, but I love them! They are literally the definition of opposites attract, and through it all, they've stood by each other.

    5. Lyla and Diggle

    Love, love, love them! They're so cute, and they're an awesome combat couple.

    4. Brainy and Nia Nal

    Oh my god, they're so cute! I can't think of a couple that completes each other perfectly. I love them so much.

    3. Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe

    One of the cutest couples ever. Their chemistry is off the charts, and they're so cute together.

    2. Roy Harper and Thea Queen

    They're so cute! They've stuck with each other through everything that life has thrown at them, and they've never stopped loving each other

    1. Barry Allen and Iris West

    I know that this is going to get a lot of hate, but Barry and Iris are one of the cutest couples in the Arrowverse. He's literally the paragon of love! I can't think of any couple that's better then them.