22 Tweets For Bisexuals Who Are Just Tired Of The Bullshit

    "Are bisexuals part of the LGBT+ community?" "Well the B certainly doesn't stand for your bitch ass."

    1. This never-fail response.

    "bisexual people should choose a side"

    2. When you gotta keep it real.

    friend: being bisexual is great it increases your dating pool me: two times zero is still zero

    3. Just a PSA.

    I'd like to finally address the rumors that I am an evil bisexual stereotype. I am both evil AND bisexual but the 2 are unrelated. Thank you

    4. TELL 'EM.

    "are bisexuals part of the LGBT+ community?" well the B certainty doesn't stand for your bitch ass

    5. A whole lotta dimes (pun intended.)

    if i got a dime whenever someone made me feel like i'd lose Queer Cred for dating a man i could treat my bi friends to a solidarity spa day

    6. They'll get it eventually.

    bisexual people are still bisexual even if theyre in a relationship straight people:

    7. Love when this happens!! 🙃

    yes my bisexuality is a phase i just really wanted a piece of that good old ignorance from both straight people and the lgbt community

    8. Just chilling in the middle.

    science: bi people are very anxious everyone: lmao why also everyone:

    9. No one told us life was gonna be this way.

    just bisexual things: - people ignoring the "bi" part - people over emphasizing the "sexual" part - i am bitter

    10. This oft-ignored reality.


    11. Catch me never.

    all these couples on tinder looking for a bisexual unicorn should prob just get the new starbucks frappe instead

    12. This person who isn't about to deal with nonsense.

    @mixtapesmp3 iM a biSeXUal aNd i dOnT sEe anYthIng WrOng aBoUt bEing HoMophobic

    13. When you know what's up.

    women who are biphobic and say they would never date a bi man/"men can't be bi" can stay over there. all the finest… https://t.co/qKmbIWtov8

    14. Get that money, girl.

    Every couple on tinder looking for a "bisexual girl to have fun with" owes me $30 sorry I don't make the rules

    15. When you gotta laugh so you don't cry.

    what do you call it when you're attracted to multiple genders but have a preference for one a bi-as

    16. What I didn't ask for: your opinion.

    me: it took me 10+ years to figure out my orientation & it's a big process someone who's thought about it for 2 secs: you're not really bi

    17. Or your questions.

    as soon as you begin to say the word "bisexual" you got 56 questions about percentage of attraction or how many same-sex partners you've had

    18. When no one on TV will say the B word and you just:

    i'm not bitter i'm (bi)tter get with the times

    19. 2017 is going great.

    good morning I'm Bi as hell and my enemies are in power

    20. Literally just UGH.

    Me: *posts about bi visibility* Ex I haven't talked to in months: so you wanna have a threesome? UN.FUCKING.REAL.

    21. This wild concept.

    What if tv shows started calling lesbian characters who sleep w/ men "bisexual?" That'd be cool. It'd almost be like they had agency.

    22. Bi bi, bitches.

    goodnight everyone except biphobic people. 😘