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Tell Us The Most Ridiculous Or Random Health Question You've Googled

"Help, I can't stop pooping."

It's probably safe to say that we're all somewhat aware of our bodies and our health. But once in a while, something happens and...we have questions.

So tell us, what are the random, ridiculous, funny, embarrassing, or weird health questions you've typed into the Google search box?

Maybe you had been pooping wayyy more than usual, and became concerned that your intestines would fall out.

Or maybe you had an ingrown toenail, and wondered how much more it had to grow before your toe just fell off.

Maybe it was more of a burning sensation, or some weird substance, that would not go away.

Or perhaps it wasn't even about a personal health issue per se, but just something you were really curious about.

So tell us, what's the most ridiculous/random health question you had for Dr. Google?

And remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question!

Your question may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post.