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How Do You Deal With Shorter, Colder Days Without Losing Your Damn Mind?

Tell us about what keeps you from thinking about the cold and darkness.

Daylight savings time is ending this weekend, which means that for a lot of us, our days are about to get a whooole lot shorter and colder.

Unfortunately, you can't do much about all that (except for moving closer to the equator, maybe). BUT, you can do certain things to make the cold and darkness a little more bearable.

Maybe it's a giant, warm, and comfy blanket that you look forward to snuggling in the moment you get home.

Maybe you set up weekly hikes or walks with friends so you can make the most of the daylight. Or maybe you arrange fun post-work activities so it's not such a bummer to leave work in the dark.

Or perhaps you collect crockpot recipes and use them before leaving for the day, so that a few times a week you can come home to the perfect slow-cooked meal.

Maybe you dive even deeper into your hobbies or interests, like finally finishing up that painting you started or re-reading all of Harry Potter or writing a few pages in your journal.

Maybe you set up pretty lights or candles around your home to brighten it up a bit.

Or you do something else to your home to make it more comfortable.

So tell us: What tips, hacks, and strategies do you use to make the cold, dark winter more bearable?

And in addition to telling us about what's worked for you, also tell us why it makes you feel so good. Use the dropbox below!

Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post.