The Worst "Stranger Things" Villains, Ranked

    These people really are the worst.

    Though Stranger Things mainly show the heroes battling monsters from another dimension, they also have to deal with human characters who are just terrible people.

    10. Grigori

    Grigori carrying a machine gun in "Stranger Things"

    9. Jack Sullivan

    Jack Sullivan looking at one of his tortured prisoners in "Stranger Things"

    8. Tom Holloway

    Tom Holloway with a bandage on his head in "Stranger Things"

    7. Jason Carver

    Jason Carver speaking at town hall in "Stranger Things"

    6. Troy & James

    Troy and James talking to Mike, Dustin, and Lucas in "Stranger Things"

    5. Connie Frazier

    Connie wielding a pistol in "Stranger Things

    4. Larry Kline

    Close-up of Larry Kline in "Stranger Things"

    3. Angela

    Angela and her friends at the roller rink in "Stranger Things"

    2. Lonnie Byers

    Lonnie in Joyce's house in "Stranger Things"

    1. Neil Hagrove

    Neil pinning Billy against the wall in "Stranger Things"

    Do you agree with this list? Are there any other Stranger Things villains that I missed? Please let me know in the comments section below.