17 Mind-Flaying Moments From "Stranger Things 4 Vol.1"

    The world has turned Upside Down.

    The long-awaited, highly anticipated fourth season of Stranger Things has finally dropped on Netflix, and it has blown everyone away.

    The logo for "Stranger Things 4"

    17. The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

    Eleven with blood on her smock and eyes in "Stranger Things"

    16. Brenner Lives

    Brenner with a lamp shining behind him in "Stranger Things"

    15. Karate Fight

    Murray inside Yuri's plane in "Stranger Things"

    14. Hopper's War Story

    Hopper in a snowy Russian field in "Stranger Things"

    13. Victor’s Tale

    An old Victor Creel in "Stranger Things"

    12. Enter Vecna

    Vecna being suspended in the air by tentacles in the Upside Down in "Stranger Things"

    11. Chrissy’s Death

    A close-up of Chrissy when she's scared in "Stranger Things"

    10. Home Invasion

    Jonathan, Will, and Mike screaming in the back of Argyle's van in "Stranger Things"

    9. The Great Escape

    A toolshed exploding in "Stranger Things"

    8. Demogorgon Battle

    Hopper holding a flaming spear in "Stranger Things"

    7. Eleven’s Powers Return

    Eleven screaming as she's held down by guards in "Stranger Things"

    6. Water Gate

    Steve looking into an underwater Gate to the Upside Down in "Stranger Things"

    5. One Is Revealed

    One talking to Eleven in "Stranger Things"

    4. Dear Billy

    Max speaking at a cemetery in "Stranger Things"

    3. The Truth About One

    A young Henry Creel coloring in his binder in "Stranger Things"

    2. One vs. Eleven

    One getting scarred by lightning bolts in the Upside Down in "Stranger Things"

    1. Max Faces Vecna

    Max looking at Vecna's lair in his mind in "Stranger Things"

    Do you agree with this list? Were there any other moments that I missed? Please let me know in the comments section below.