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    These Insane Sandcastle Hotels Really Exist And You Can Actually Stay In Them

    Isn't life a beach.

    Remember when you were little and you wanted to build the biggest and best sandcastle in the history of beach sandcastles?

    Well, sorry. A hotel in Europe, Zand Hotel, beat you to it — because they just built TWO. SANDCASTLE. HOTELS.

    The hotel teamed up with the event company Global PowWow, who specializes in sandcastle structures, to build two sandcastle forts in the Netherlands. They were built to coincide with the annual sand sculpture festivals in Sneek, Friesland, and Oss, Brabant.

    Here's what they look like from the outside:

    The one in Oss is decorated with sculptures of the Terracotta Army and Chinese dragons, and the one in Friesland is inspired by Bedrock, the Flinstones town.


    And they're just as amazing on the inside. Here's one:

    And here's the other:

    In case you forget that you are INSIDE a sand castle, they have intricately-carved sand sculptures inside the rooms to remind you:

    Just an incredible work of sand, NBD.

    And they even have full bathrooms:

    The sandcastle hotels are only temporary, and will close once the sand festivals end in late September and early October. BUT! The hotel will reopen both for the festivals next year, AND Zand Hotels is planning to open similar hotels in Germany and the UK.

    Hotels cost $170 a night.

    Now it just may be time to satisfy your childhood dreams and HAVE A SLEEPOVER IN A GIANT SANDCASTLE next year.

    You know Joey would.

    H/t: CNN